Monday, February 5, 2007

A little intro

So i'm new to this whole blogging thing and i'll try my best to make it worth it. I would not be displaying my identity and there are some things that i might say along the way that people may not appreciate or agree with but i am just sharing my life and my thoughts. I am in no way an avid writer but i will try to pass the message along the best way i can. Right now i am in professional school and i should be studying right now but im just recovering from a fiesty cold.
So a little about me, I like the idea of indulging myself in different activities but actually doing it is another story. So there are a couple of things i would like to do this year and some of them include dating... lots of this, going rock climbing, hanging with friends more often, try to eat breakfast more often, return peoples calls, study with more depth.

The dating part comes from the fact that maybe i have been deprived from dating. Well i think i have only dated one person but everyone else i have been in a relationship with, I have known as friends first and there was not really anything as per going on dates for the purpose of getting to know each other.
So that first person i went on a date with is another story but i would be sure to share that in another post. Trust me, you will love to hear some of my stories. Right now i have ideas for 33 entries already and hopefully, i would get more ideas as time goes on.

About hanging out with friends, i usually feel disconnected from people. I mean, i like to go out and hang out etc but there are certain things that just keep me back. But yeah, i cant tell you now since that is a topic for another blog entry.

I am not too adventurous when it comes to all those extreme sports kind of things but a friend invited me out rock climbing and i decided to do that. Im just one of those people that hate going to six flags et al. And when you go with friends- they sweet talk you into going, they end up forcing you to go on all those rides, ah. Its not just for me, dont you understand, dang. I hate not being in control of some things.

Anyway let me stop rambling at this point and get back to studying. Also i need to subscribe to some of the blogs i have been reading lately. Ah, they are so interesting and i hope i dont get addicted to this thing o. Later sha

Ok, i'll leave you with this video today, i think its just interesting. Well, im not in love with anybody, just in love with life

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